So they took turns pressing on the tumor (OUCH!!!), feeling-up my neck and jaw, stuck a camera up my nose and down my throat, and gave me two options:
1) Slice off the rest of the tumor on my tongue, which covers about a 4 cm diameter, and some of my lymph nodes in the same area (I had no idea we have around 30). Recovery from the surgery would only take a week, and I would be talking like Marlee Matlin for a good long time. That's 1/3 of my tongue out the window, and a scar on the left side of my neck. Full recovery, barring any further complications, would take about a year.
2) Radiation treatments every day for six weeks, recovery time would be 2 weeks. My mouth would be dry, with some burning discomfort, I would have to carry a bottle of water around with because I would have dry mouth forever, and I would have a diminished sense of taste for the rest of my life.
So, I chose to be the proverbial wolf that chewed off her foot and get the thing sliced off. There's no way I'm going to let anything diminish the taste of chocolate, coffee, or... hell, anything.
After the surgery, I'm considering learning sign language just to play with people's minds. If anyone asks about the scar, I'll tell them I got in a knife fight with my doctor.
I'll let you know when the surgery is scheduled.