Kevin's Dead Cat

After surgery sliced off an entire tumor and 1/3 of my tongue, plus six weeks of radiation therapy, I've been re-learning how to eat, drink, and talk with my newly re-constructed tongue and coping with side effects. But the cancer came back and I don't know what's going to happen next.

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

I don't want life to imitate art. I want life to be art.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Week 3

The latest photos are available. Thanks to Agnieszka Lapczynska for her fascination with all things medically appalling ("Oh, that doesn't look bad at all."). Click here.

Food update: Had chili on Thursday w/half a liverwurst sandwich (1 hour); one slice of pizza on Friday (30 minutes); and tried Nachos Camacho Saturday (just a few bites over 45 minutes). The swelling on the top of my tongue seems to be much less. The underside is still a pain in the ass, but down enough so that this past week I'm able to floss my teeth again.

Happy Birthday to Big Eric. Check out the Birthday Boy as Lenny at the Pacific Resident Theatre's production of "Of Mice and Men" in Venice Beach. He's gotten some very good notices for his performance.

Some really terrible news. Randall Flagg, our family dog passed away Friday night. He was a 12-year-old Siberean Huskey, and the only dog I know personally who had two dog houses, a swimming pool, hot meals, and ice water. He was a great puppy who had no doubt that he wasn't actually a dog, but a four-legged human. He will always be loved and missed.


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